In the Heart of
the World

“In the Heart of the World” invites us to pause awhile in the midst of our busy lives to reflect deeply on our vocation as Christian women and men to be Church on mission in our milieu.


We live in a period of great transition. The needs of people and the earth cry out from every corner of our fractured, fragmented yet beautiful world. In the midst of the turmoil and confusion surrounding us, Pope Francis urges us to be the “Joy of the Gospel,” like Jesus, bearers of mercy, a healing presence for all whom we encounter, for all creation. Church documents remind us that Mary, mother and first disciple of Jesus, shows us the way.

Saint Teresa of Avila says that Christ has no body now on earth, no hands, no feet but ours.


Our Logo, a spiral indicates the evolution of time and/or life in process. In particular, a spiral signifies the cyclical nature of our lives.

“In the Heart of the World” offers writings, reflections and art work of Marie † and Rachel. Mandalas will be used among our illustrations. The term mandala means circle. It represents wholeness and infinity. In its origin, a mandala is a cosmic diagram reminding us of our relationship to all aspects of our individual and communal lives. Coloring a mandala or creating one based on the Word of God is an aid to meditation and contemplation.

We offer a daily reflection for five weeks. May this time of reflection open us to fresh insights and new life.

Perhaps you would like to keep a journal of your reflections. You might also want to gather other people together and share your reflections with them.


To contact us:


Marie Azzarello †, CND

Rachel Gaudreau, CND

We wish you a “pleasant journey.”


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